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“Milestone Moments” … Acts 2:42-47

“A Word for this Week” Pastor Bill Mugnolo: HARP Pastoral Advisor

Week of May 8-14, 2017: “Milestone Moments” … Acts 2:42-47

This coming week marks a “milestone moment” for me as I mark my first year anniversary of coming here to serve in Ohio. As I continually thank the Lord for bringing me here, I also find myself “wrestling in prayer” for the sake of those whom the Lord has called me to serve here (Colossians 4:12). I pray, as Pastor Epaphras once did for the Colossian Church, “that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God.”

As I’ve reached this milestone, I also recall the “milestone moments” of the first year of the early Church in Jerusalem as they lived out their lives together after the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:42-47). Healings and miracles were being done by the hands of the Twelve Apostles and they shared all their goods in common (vv.43-45). While the apostles possessed a special power and authority to do these signs and while there is no permanent command for believers in Christ to practice a “Christian Communism”, we still are meant to fervently pray for others to be healed and be willing to generously share our goods (1 Timothy 6:17-18).

Then, at all times and in all places, we are called to devote ourselves to the Apostles’ Teachings—the study of God’s Word; the fellowship—the sharing of our lives in Christ; the breaking of bread—the frequent celebration of the Lord’s Supper; and to continually being in prayer (Acts 2:42). Like those early believers, we are called to live out our faith “day by day” and expect that the Lord will keep blessing us as He adds to our numbers those who are being saved (Acts 2:46-47).

As I continue my ministry to you in the years to come, may we, as the body of Christ in our time, enjoy many “milestone moments” of such blessings together.



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